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Your card will be charged when your item has been shipped but may vary depending on your credit card provider.
If we have any doubts about your order, we may contact you to verify the transaction. This is in order to protect our clients from fraud. Before we can dispatch your purchases, we may need to confirm your details with your card issuer. We will do our best to keep delays to a minimum. The debit should appear on your credit card statement from 1-7 days after your purchase, depending on your credit card provider.
We accept American Express, Visa, MasterCard, and Discover. Sales tax of will be charged accordingly.
Orders may be canceled or modified prior to shipment. Canceling an order will result in no charge to your credit card. If you would like to submit a cancellation or modification request, please contact us at 831-574-3311 during business hours as soon as possible. Once an order has shipped, we are no longer able to cancel or modify the order. Our Return Policy applies to all shipped orders. If a package is not accepted or refused and returned to us, a store credit will be issued less the original and return shipment costs. Dentelle Fine Lingerie cannot be held accountable for Acts of God, i.e. shipping commitments delayed due to inclement weather or other unavoidable occurrences.
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